Previous Issue - Issue 18


A Transiton in Progress

  • Foreword
  • Healthcare Management
  • Medical Sciences
  • Surgical Speciality
  • Diagnostics
  • Technology, Equipment & Devices
  • Facilities & Operations Management
  • Information Technology

Issue 18



Healthcare Management

Rise of a new era

The end of the th century may well be seen as marking the decline of one era in healthcare and the rise of a new era in which excellent commissioning is required to meet the challenges of increasing life expectancy changing patterns in disease and developments in treatments and technology Advances in treatment and technology together with the incre...

Sustaining transformation

Primary care has altogether a different quality improvement environment and a different organisational and management structure compared to a hospital care setting It reflects a different role purpose and a different organisational culture See Table for characteristics of primary care general practice in England A hospital has many specialist t...

Counting on betterment

It is terms like The Golden Hour and the Platinum Ten Minutes that typify the importance of Emergency Medical Services EMS all over the world

Increases in healthcare spending appear to be a global concern For example the rising costs in Asia are being driven by many of the same factors that have triggered the spiralling of medical costs in developed countries Factors include

Medical Sciences

In the age of technology Monitoring with implantable devices

The purchase and installation of new technology in any environment generates excitementwhether its in the office school hospital or home Owning the latest technology is exciting There is a certain seduction in owning the latest and greatest technology And for decades the sales departments of manuf

Current indications

For almost years Cardiac ultrasound has been demonstrated to be a promising diagnostic tool to evaluate patients with pericardial valvular heart disease and patients with ischemic heart disease However inadequate endocardial visualisation occurs in up to per cent of cases during echocardiography and it fails to produce diagnostically useful image...

Surgical Speciality

Innovations and new developments

Surgery directed at valvular heart conditions dates back almost years when the first efforts were made to relieve mitral valve stenosis Rheumatic fever was a common disease worldwide and frequently resulted in mitral stenosis The scarred twoleaflet mitral valve


Can they replace PET?

While in the past MRI was praised mainly for its superb anatomic display and tissue contrast a number of advanced nonenhanced and contrastenhanced MR imaging techniques have been developed in the past years that provide new insights into the physiology of tissues and the pathophysiology for example of tumours These techniques include MRspectroscopy...

Emerging Cardiac Devices and Technologies

Over the last five years the speed and resolution of mutislice Computed Tomography CT has advanced to the point where it can now be used for accurate cardiac evaluation Calcium scoring a

How Asia can disrupt the global healthcare

Todays healthcare systems are in a critical state of distress in nearly every nation around the world In developing countries the prevailing model equates to adequate care for the wealthy and little for the masses Nationalised singlepayer models like the

Technology, Equipment & Devices

Emerging technologies and trends

Research is looking beyond using implants screws metallic cages to incorporating biologic bone substitutes with regenerative potential to address orthopedic conditions

Facilities & Operations Management

Streamlined design of patient flow

The Emergency Department ED has become the Front Door to the hospital Many institutions report that per cent or more of their admissions come through the ED Yet in many hospitals the flow to and through the ED is fraught with bottlenecks with confusing and conflicting messages circulating to and within the ED Hospitals with only one or poorly plac...

Information Technology

Ready for Transformation

In your experience how has IT helped improve patient care what are your expectations from it in the coming years Yes healthcare IT has definitely helped us in improving patient care It provides us with complete and accurate history timely alert medical knowledge to patient and doctors communications with other points of care greater ea

Learning from the Global Experience

What are your views on Asian healthcare IT sector The most important issue facing the healthcare IT sector in Asia is to ensure that quality of care is achieved through effective diagnosis patient compliance and avoiding medical errors In addition the Asian healthcare IT sector must improve access to care in remo

Start with the Basics

In your experience how has IT helped improve patient care what are your expectations from it in the coming years IT when properly implemented in an orderly fashion should improve patient safety facilitate compliance with performance measures reduce costs and improve physician and nurse satisfaction with their j

Driven by e-Health

In your experience how has IT helped improve patient care what are your expectations from it in the coming years It is not an overstatement that new information and communication technologies ICT have revolutionised the way people access information and communicate with each other All spheres of human societ

An Optimistic Outlook

In your experience how has IT helped improve patient care what are your expectations from it in the coming years It was Rudyard Kipling who once remarked What do they know of England who only England know In the st century this aphorism could be replaced thus What do they know of health

An innovative transformation

In your experience how has IT helped improve patient care what are your expectations from it in the coming years Health Information Technologies are streamlining patient care and providing data to foster improved and faster clinical decision making The SEHA ecosystem is implementing an Electronic Medical Record which will be seamless across hos...

Healthcare IT’s Big Challenge

What is your take on the issue of interoperability in healthcare IT The inability to move clinical data from place to placethat is to say the lack of interoperabilityclearly hinders delivery of good care around the world It also imposes barriers to move between healthcare systems Work done by our

Banking on Market Demand

What is your take on the issue of interoperability in healthcare IT I believe there is still a lot of room for improvement for interoperability in healthcare We still see issues in solutions that are not able to be integrated which costs healthcare institutions a lot of money to fix and causes delays to the imp

Adoption in Asia Pacific

We have seen the influence of Information Technology IT in many different sectors such as banking finance and education but healthcare is one sector where the impact of IT has not been so conspicuous Healthcare organisations have been slow adopters of IT solutions in the past However they presently aggressive in adopting IT solutions due to various...

At the start of it is interesting to look further forward and see just what may be coming in the next years Many of the people alive today are going to live longer than their ancestors and as medical technologies and our understanding improve there are more things we can fix This adds up to a lot of problems for health services around the worl...

Role of a patient-centred website

Chronic pain can have a profound impact on sufferers lives and it is often associated with a loss of confidence and selfesteem While the majority of cases of low back pain is selflimiting and resolve on their own the risk of recurrence and development of c

Driving up quality and reducing risk

Information has always been at the heart of healthcare delivery Today new information systems and technologies are becoming ubiquitous in health and give rise to new opportunities and challenges to the ways care is delivered and the way professionals work Information sharing between professionals care providers and sectors and patient access to and...

What computers can\\\'t capture

Many technological human economic and knowledge accessibility factors are making healthcare increasingly complex for providers and consumers alike This complexity requires a form of decisionmaking that balances the collection and use of technical rational information for costeffective evidencebased care and accountability and consideration of patie...