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Dynamic Capacity Management for Healthcare: Advanced Methods and Tools for Optimization

Dynamic Capacity Management for Healthcare: Advanced Methods and Tools for Optimization

Author(s) :Pierce Story
While hospitals can learn from other industries they cannot be improved or run like factories With work that is more individualized than standardized and limited control over volume and arrivals even the leanestminded hospital must recognize that healthcare systems are...
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case studies

Abstract Aim The PatientCentred Medical Home PCMH model is designed to address and improve several...

Abstract Aim To evaluate the interrater reliability of measuring structural changes in the tendon...

White Papers

Summary With targets set by the Department of Health to introduce bn efficiency savings by and go...

Patient privacy is a major issue for todays healthcare providers Safeguarding the confidentiality in...

Healthcare Events & Exhibitions

calendar-icon  21 - 22 Jun 2024

Global Cardiology and Healthcare Summit

location-iconDubai, United Arab Emirates

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